Sunday, February 20, 2011


14 days left until I DO!
I am getting over another case of laryngitis!
I got my wraps put on my nails thanks to Josh's mom and they look fantastic! Very easy getting used to it. I do hope my appetite starts decreasing and that I curb it a bit! Tomorrow is my final gown fitting and I am thrilled! Also, Josh booked me for a massage, facial and reflexology for Thursday! Way to get pampered. This week we have a lot of places to pay but other then that the final details are done!

Love and Kisses!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Neglect, but keeping strong

So I stopped posting when I got sick with pharyngitis. Although I have not been perfect on my no chocolate, no junk food plan, I have stuck to not eating after 9pm. I have also cut back on certain foods severely and in return, I have dropped another 4 lbs in 2 weeks! 1 lb to go until I hit "wedding weight." In other news, we are less than a month to go, in fact Sunday was the day! We are now 28 days away. Responses are in, some disappointing, but what can you do besides live and learn who your true friends are. Either way I am getting super excited. We have a 2 hour wedding planning meeting on Wednesday! However, my grandfather is not doing well so please cross your fingers that he can have surgery 2/14 and that he has a speedy recovery to make it to my wedding. I know he will be devastated if he can't as he missed my bat mitzvah as we pulled him out of the hospital that day after they were virtually killing him...
it's an intense time and I am doing my best to embrace it.